2. Pink FloydUmmagumma

This is still today for me timeless music, very unusual. At the time when they created this masterpiece nobody else did music like this; they invented music like this. Of course Led Zeppelin and other bands were also around but at this time all the bands were creating their own authentic kind of music which didn’t exist before, so they invented styles that are very unique. So Ummagumma is for me one of Pink Floyd’s masterpieces. My favourite tracks are ‘Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun’ and ‘Careful With That Axe, Eugene’. That was very brave in 1969 to create music like this – it was very new, you know? At the time we had long hair and smoked some dope, and you were in seventh heaven listening to Pink Floyd. Still one of my favourite ever songs from Pink Floyd is ‘A Pillow Of Winds’, and whenever I go through them, the very old Pink Floyd albums are – not dated – but of their time. The era with Syd Barrett, it’s beautiful music, but Ummagumma you can listen to today, it’s timeless. I have it on vinyl in my archives, although I have it loaded on my iPhone. It’s music that I take personally with me wherever I go.