2. Aphex TwinRichard D. James Album
It’s probably a staple. Andy and I were in Australia, hosting the Rage television show, [where] guest musicians come in and present their favourite videos. There’s a list you can choose from and then some of the weirder stuff, and ‘Windowlicker’ is obviously on there. They’ve kind of got a ban on it but I’m that person that picks it, I love it so much.
That period of Aphex Twin, it’s incredible really, isn’t it? He has such a unique sound within a world [where] it’s incredibly easy to slip into something more formulaic. I don’t know how his brain works, but I like it. The Richard D. James era is so special to me. Even some of the stuff from that time that just surfaced on Syro, because it’s from that sort of era, it takes me back to then.