6. The SlitsCut

I first started listening to The Slits when I was about 8, with my friend Antonia, and we stole all her brother’s Slits records and used to dance around the room pretending we were the Slits. I just picked this because I’m sure it was a huge part of my life. If I could have been any kind of singer, I would have been a punk – I thought I was a little punk growing up! I wanted to be in The Slits, I wanted to be that kind of a woman, but I grew up to be a folk singer, and that’s alright too – I like that. It’s just the attitude – I hear The Slits and I’m immediately back in that time. It was a one-off period, it was an exciting time and they kind of encapsulated a sense of anarchic joy. The songs are fucking fantastic as well. There’s that ska element, punk, reggae and they’re British and they’re fantastic. I don’t know if there’s ever been anyone like them since.