1. Bee Gees – Bee Gees 1st

Liam Gallagher: We’ve all been into the Bee Gees, man, from years ago. Phil Smith, our DJ, got us into it and all that stuff. It’s mega, horizontal or whatever it is.
Andy Bell: One of the first times that I met Oasis was when they played the Hacienda on the first tour and I remember them talking about this album then.
LG: That’s right! You were going, “What the fuck’s that?”
AB: Yeah! I was like, “The Bee Gees?!” But it’s great. That’s the one with ‘Red Chair, Fade Away’ on it. ‘Every Christian Lion-Hearted Man Will Show You’ is the one with the monks chanting on it and most people who are into this album will tell you that that’s the tune. They were doing a lot of psychedelic pop before The Beatles were doing it and that’s the genius about it.
LG: Yeah, top band.