3. Kilburn And The High RoadsHandsome

I don’t sit here, in my dad’s flat listening to my dad’s music, it’s not a fucking séance, but I don’t try to avoid it. I listened to a song of my dad’s the other day, a song he wrote called ‘Pam’s Moods’, and it’s unbelievably brilliant writing. It’s a bit naively recorded and he’s got this faux-Jamaican-American accent going on, so he hasn’t quite found himself yet. He’s not relying on who he is yet, so you can hear a bit of anguish about that. That muddies the brilliance of the song, but the song is so fucking good. The lyrics are so good, ‘Making wormwood of my soul,’ and it’s absolutely unbelievable delivery, and makes use of ridiculously long constructive narrative that still rolls off phonetically and scans well. That style of music got a bit rejected when he leapt to the more successful thing, but I more prefer that. It’s psychedelic.