11. Beastie BoysLicensed To Ill

I saw The Beastie Boys when I was about 14, perhaps around the corner at Hammersmith Odeon. I was fucking obsessed. There were loads of twats like me wearing ill-fitting Adidas, looking like Harry Enfield characters. We were so into it, but very young. I started off with Run DMC, though, I liked the stuff where it was just a drum machine and them singing. We were really into Def Jam, and we pre-empted a big wave of other people being into it. I think we saw Run DMC as well, that was a bit tougher. I guess with Beastie Boys, cynically they were just Russell Simmons and Rick Rubin saying ‘let’s make a band for all the white kids’, and we were just gone, we were away.