Baker's Dozen

Artists discuss the 13 records that shaped their lives

13. Iggy PopThe Idiot

This still shares the same sensibility as his work with The Stooges. Obviously David Bowie is there and calling the shots but you can still hear that savagery in ‘Funtime’ and ‘Nightclubbing’.

I had the honour working with Iggy Pop towards the end of the Blah Blah Blah tour and we were working up ‘Mass Production’ – and I’m such a fan of this record but I kept it quiet in front of him – and he looked at me as if to say, ‘what’s next?’ and I went, ‘by the way, I’m going for cigarettes’ and he just started singing that line at me! I cued him up because I new every line and nuance of this record.

My favourite moment of that tour was going back on stage in Paris with him and going, ‘what’s the encore, Jim?’ and he just goes, ”Dog’. ‘Fun’. ‘Eye” and I thought, my life now is complete! I’ve played ‘I Wanna Be Your Dog’, ‘No Fun’ and ‘TV Eye’ with Iggy Pop!

Selected in other Baker’s Dozens: Jim White, , Richard H. Kirk, , Johnny Marr, Youth

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