12. Geinoh YamashirogumiEcophony Rinne

This is the most recent album I’ve found. My friend Jamie put me onto it, but I actually already knew Geinoh Yamashirogumi without knowing it. They were a collective of Japanese musicians but also bankers, salary men, everyday people. They had a lot of albums out before Ecophony Rinne, and they soundtracked the film Akira. Jamie posted a track on Facebook and I loved it but there was something familiar about it and I listened to the album realising they did the Akira soundtrack.
There were electronic elements in their music, a bit of folk, traditional Japanese music put together – a lot of Gamelan influences, very melodic loose percussion. I’ve only had this album for a month or two, but I’ve been listening to it almost every day. It’s one of those albums you can really immerse yourself in.