6. Magnet And Paul GiovanniThe Wicker Man OST

This album is honestly continually playing a loop inside my head. Whenever things get difficult I retreat to this little cinema in my brain where Magnet and Paul Giovanni are playing. I have this little Halloween ritual where I watch The Wicker Man every year. It’s such a gorgeous combination of that occult imagery, which was so prevalent in that era. I love that at the start of the film it says “The producers wish to thank the people of Summerisle.” That always gets me at the start! It’s so beautiful, to frame it like a documentary at the start. And I’ve always loved reading about the lost footage, the stories about it, there’s so much mystery about it. I love the cut that came out in the early 2000s that features ‘Gentle Johnny’, it was an additional song. I was so moved by that song when everyone joins in very gradually. It’s like something sacred has been stirred.