10. The Velvet Underground & NicoThe Velvet Underground And Nico

As you know, I don’t like rock music, but this was so deconstructed. The fact that they patently could barely fucking play their instruments – I love it. And yet, what a contrast on there – some of the tracks are brutal noise and then there’s some great pop – ‘Sunday Morning’ is so, so beautiful, it captures Sunday mornings so perfectly. I don’t know what their attitude to Nico was – I suspect they were a bit hacked off that she got welded on to them by Andy Warhol – but her doomy gloomy vocals sound quite good on some of the tracks. It’s a rock album, but played by people who are not interested in rock clichés, probably because they can’t play clichés. I’m all for people who don’t know how to play, because at least then they don’t bore me with clichés.