12. Danger DoomThe Mouse And The Mask

I resisted having an iPod for years and when I finally got one my brother said he’d stick some records on for me. Seven of them were Slayer albums, one of which was appreciated. I need recent Slayer records as much as I need shin splints. Another was the Danger Doom record and I hadn’t listened to hip-hop for quite a few years for lots of reasons. Most of it was really fucking boring to me. A lot of the videos made Whitesnake look sexually forward-thinking in terms of gender roles. But there was something about The Mouse And The Mask which was playful, clever, fun and fantastic.
I struggle a bit more with the MF Doom stuff. It’s got its highs but it seems at times that his mission on Earth is to be as much of a contrary arsehole as possible. I have next to no interest in Adult Swim cartoons and things like that so it wasn’t necessarily the subject matter. For the most part I didn’t know what the fuck he was on about. But there’s something about that record which meant I couldn’t stop listening to it. It’s not too long either so you’ve got time for a bath afterwards.