11. MoodymannSilentintroduction

I was introduced to this record when I was living in Sweden. I think it was quite soon after it came out because I was friends with this guy who was a real-life music head called Andrew and he played me ‘Can’t Kick This Feeling When It Hits’ when I was around his house for dinner. I thought, ‘That’s amazing,’ so I got the album.
For me it’s mainly about two tracks on this. Just absolutely mind blowing. One of them is ‘I Can’t Kick This Feeling When It Hits’. It has a sample, which is a repeating line, I think it’s from Chic, “What am I gonna, gonna do, gonna do” and it goes through the entire song. It’s this hypnotic line. And then there’s another one called ‘Dem Young Sconies’. Those two tracks are the staples of any DJ set that I get asked to do.
The rest of the album is really great as well. It’s similar in nature all the way through and it’s got this feeling almost like Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On, it’s got a thread of kind of background noise and talking. Like if it was like you could hear the night out somewhere in between the audience and a club. Beyond those two tracks I couldn’t tell you what any of the songs are called, but I do listen to it and I do enjoy it a lot.
I do keep in touch with when Moodymann puts out new stuff, I will check it out and usually enjoy it quite a lot. Whenever I see him doing something, like he recently came out with a character in a video game, I keep tabs on what he’s up to. He’s one of those people that’s on Instagram and he’ll just go live in his music room and he’s just surrounded by records. It’s always something really cool on the turntable and he will half give away what it is but you can’t really quite catch it.