10. Chuck PersonEccojams Vol.1

I guess it’s a vaporwave album. Vice did an article about vaporwave, which had a little video clip of Bart Simpson, and it was just talking about the memes that come up through vaporwave. It was a cool piece with loads of video links to discover the music. That was a record called Home by Odyssey. From there I went on to Macintosh Plus, who made this record called Floral Shoppe, which is a bit of a classic in that genre. And then Eccojams is a different thread of the same style.
It’s not an album that you could buy at one stage. YouTube is the best way to hear it. I understand why you can’t get it because it’s all sampled from some very, very famous records in what on the surface appears to be a very bad quality way. It’s very glitchy and muffled sounding. If you were if you were in Toto and someone said, ‘this guy’s done something with ‘Africa,’ do you think it’s okay if he releases it’ and you get played this I don’t think without someone sitting down and really explaining what is going on you’re going to instantly go, yeah, cool. I wish I could have thought of doing this, because I would have done it myself. I love the idea that you take one line and then you repeat it for so long that it suddenly becomes weighed down with so much meaning that it just makes you cry.
All that minimalism stuff I really like. I only discovered all that stuff quite recently as well. That was when Ride got back together again. We were in the studio, rehearsing and Loz Colbert, he plays drums, was telling me about his music theory degree. He was like, ‘you know Steve Reich,’ and I was like, ‘I don’t know who that is’. He explained it all to me and that sent me off. I really felt like it was a missing link for someone who’s already really into the Velvets. You’re kind of joining a lot of dots together. I thought I was into was psychedelia all this time, but actually what I’m into is minimalism.