11. Cabaret VoltaireMicro-Phonies

In many ways, the outer cover of Micro-Phonies is a good visual representation of what Cabaret Voltaire were doing musically on the record inside. It is a perfect synchronicity of modernity and something menacing.
The Neville Brody-designed sleeve is very much of its time, which locks it firmly in the ’80s, yet it still looks modern. Likewise, the technology on the record is very much the same, very much of the ’80s, but somehow it remains contemporary. Both visually and sonically ahead of their time.
What has happened to the person on the cover? Not only have they been disfigured but they appear to have some hideous disease making them vomit. My interpretation is that he is some kind of military personnel, something clandestine and MKUltra is going on. Experimentation from ominous authoritarian and secret organisations. All very paranoid, all very Cabaret Voltaire.