
R.E.M – Murmer
This one is another teenage love of mine, not much to say really just great melancholic songwriting and composition. When they became very popular in the 90s, I can remember going out to buy Life’s Rich Pageant and absolutely loving it. I bought quite a few of their records in my early teens but Murmer always stuck with me. I just love the cover and the composition of the songs. Many people think of R.E.M as a really conventional band with guitar, bass, drums and vocals, but on a lot of their stuff there’s some really gorgeous keyboards, synths and strings. There’s all sorts of sounds balancing out their best work. Michael Stipe was great for me when I was younger because he was being really emotionally open. I was very sensitive as a kid, and I am as an adult as well. I have always just really loved the way that he was so open and honest with music.