10. Doris DukeI’m A Loser

What soul music does so beautifully, not always but often, is it takes fairly sad thoughts but they cover it with fucking fantastic melodies and catchy tunes and that’s why I absolutely love it. The idea that life isn’t really going your way but it’s still a fucking joy. That’s what soul music does so wonderfully and it’s why I wanted include a couple of soul records in this. What soul music does in that respect is it takes these ideas and makes them palatable and by that measure everybody understands this happens all the time. There’s such a wonderful comfort in that. To take our misery and fucking dance to it. It wasn’t very well known until recently, it got reissued but I think I spent seventy fucking pounds on buying the original LP. You can tell by the title there’s very little hope in this record. Most songs on the record start with "He’s gone…" for instance. There’s a song, ‘Ghost Of Myself’, and it’s about being left and how she doesn’t know who she is anymore, there’s just absolutely no fucking hope on this record. Of course it’s still backed up by these wonderful tunes and that funkiness that completely takes you away. There’s one for me that stands out though, ‘I Don’t Care Anymore’, it’s about a prostitute and there are very few songs that I can think of that are from the perspective of a prostitute. It’s just so sad, there’s no hope and it’s powerful, let’s just fucking listen to it…