9. LiarsThey Were Wrong So We Drowned

NK: This record came out the same year as Neubauten. I think one of the things that was so exciting about when this record came out is that there wasn’t a huge amount of crossover between electronic and indie rock music. We were really fighting for that crossover and we never really understood why things should remain so separate. When Liars came out with this record it was like, ‘holy fuck!’ Here is a band that is supposedly indie rock doing this post-punk circuit and in certain press worlds and they come out with this record and it was like, ‘okay here is a band that is like, ‘we’re going to do what the fuck we want and we’re going to blend this stuff.’ At the time people weren’t really doing that. Now every indie rock band has a keyboard but there was a moment when things weren’t like that.
AM: People ask what’s changed the most during twenty years of music and it’s sound engineers. When we first started touring and we would play rock clubs, those engineers hated us. They’d be like, ‘where’s the drums?’
NK: Now they think we’re the best thing since sliced bread because they only have four channels to deal with.
AM: Plus, they’re asking you about your gear and it’s like ‘what has changed?’ In 2004 ADULT. had just put out their second album. We were finding it hard to find inspiration from current bands but this is an album that gave us so much hope that there were still people out there not playing by the rulebook. The Strokes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Rapture – all that stuff was really exciting for about a week to us but then it was like, ‘okay, everybody has already conformed to each other.’
NK: This record is genuinely weird. Plus there’s a story to it too, it’s not just a bunch of songs. It’s kind of like an art piece.