13. Broadcast And The Focus GroupBroadcast And The Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults Of The Radio Age

I first got into Broadcast around The Book Lovers EP; I also saw them at a really small venue upstairs at The Garage in Highbury And Islington. You get introduced into this world and for a child of the 60s or 70s there’s [references to] kids TV and science fiction that are in there as well as the musical stuff. I think Trish Keenan’s death was the biggest loss in music for a long time. I certainly shed a tear that day.
This is when I first discovered The Focus Group. What’s going on here is almost collage, isn’t it? Just a total freedom with this weird pagan kind of thing going on. Well, it’s called Witch Cults Of The Radio Age! Broadcast have stayed with me for all this time. There are some of the most beautiful songs across their whole career, ‘The Book Lovers’, ‘Where Youth And Laughter Go,’ and then on this last album with ‘I See, So I See So’. Just amazing, really. You get caught up in the riptide, it just pushes you on.