
Ganglians – Monster Head Room
This is the most contemporary record of the lot. They’re a West Coast band. There’s one track on there called ‘Valiant Brave’, which is one the most extraordinary songs I’ve heard in many years. It sounds like an Apache war cry recorded on the backside of a mountain somewhere. It’s the most indescribable record. I’d love to have written it. There’s just two chords and the arrangement is quite unusual. It hit me first time round and I was listening to it over and over. Then I bought the album. The rest of the album is very tight harmony work. They sound like sons of the Beach Boys. It’s encouraging to hear a young band sound that good. It’s purist. It’s where the Fleet Foxes are going. It’s a lovely record.
Primarily I find new music by people telling me about bands, but I like the Uncut and Mojo magazine sampler CDs – they’ve got a wealth of tracks by new bands, underground bands. That’s where I heard ‘Valient Brave’. When you’re making a living out of music and writing, there’s such a lot to learn from what’s already been recorded. It’d take you a lifetime to appreciate what’s been done. But it’s great when something is out on its own and you hit on something new; when someone’s hit on a pulse and it’s not derivative. Very early Blur were really good and the first Supergrass EP was fabulous. That was the last time it got exciting for me. Damon [Albarn] gave me a cuddle at the Hootenanny recently and told me he loved me.