10. Logical NonsenseExpand The Hive

Logical Nonsense were the crucial local band when I was a teenager in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I initially took them for granted because they were playing a lot so they were just the band that I would see if I went to a show. But I quickly began to realise what an amazing band they actually were and then they connected me to a world of other things that I became interested in like Neurosis, Buzzoven, and Man Is The Bastard. All these bands that were initially kind of punk but took it to a much darker, uglier extreme.
Logical were all great players. The singer has an amazing voice which I still envy. I remember hearing his voice – there were no effects on the PA – but his voice was powerful and monstrous, and I didn’t understand at the time how a person could produce that sound. It was motivating, because there was so much conviction in his delivery, but there was also something really terrifying about it because it was so scary, and his presence was so intimidating.
It was this eye-opening thing where this band that was from my hometown, that I loved and peripherally knew, were able, by force of will and persistence, to take it to the outside world. Logical Nonsense just sums up the New Mexico punk and hardcore scene for me at that time. It’s obviously changed since then but, for anybody that grew up there, they would be the hometown heroes and the instigators of that scene because they were helping to bring bands in as well as going out to play with them.