New Writing: Timidities By Hannes Bajohr

Published by the ever-excellent Berlin-based Readux as part of their latest set, Hannes Bajohr's Timidities repurposes text gathered from the internet (erotic amateur fiction, BDSM forum posts, and sex advice) to create something that is — at once — powerful, tender, playful and poignant

Image: Aaron Siskind – Untitled (Back of man’s head), 1960


at the same time…in and out of…i was going to

in front of me … he was going to … for the first time 

the back of my…in front of him…i could feel his 

i want you to…the back of his…the end of the

on top of me…was going to be…in front of the

in the middle of … the edge of the … he looked at me

i didn’t want to … you want me to … i could feel the 

on the bed and…he said as he…do you want to 

up and down the…i told him i…for a long time

i don’t want to … he told me to … on the back of 

for a few minutes…up and down on…as soon as i 

and i could feel … after a few minutes … at the end of 

the middle of the…as much as i…the side of the 

what he was doing … i told him that … i knew he was

if you want to…the front of his…the first time i

i looked at him…looked at me and…on the edge of

and i felt his…the other side of…the top of his 

asked me if i…all of a sudden… a couple of times

i was able to … didn’t know what to … i was about to 

i could see the…what was going on…by the time i 

i said as i…was the rst time…on the other side

i didn’t know what … and told me to … the rest of his

back of my head … he told me that … i looked up at 

down on the bed … i don’t know what … to be able to 

for a couple of…his hand on my…for the rest of 

to go to the…i could feel my…what are you doing 

in front of his … sat down on the … look on his face 

in the locker room…i had no idea…i went to the 

i knew i was…i opened my mouth…was one of the 

so that he could … what i was doing … it was time to 

and i could see … if i wanted to … you don’t have to 

know what to do… looked up at me…i told him to 

other side of the … so that i could … in front of my 

up and down my…on the floor and…as soon as he 

i thought to myself … he wanted me to … i could tell he 

he gave me a…looked up at him…he said with a

it felt so good … i closed my eyes … he didn’t want to

a couple of minutes…is a work of…the two of us 

walked over to the … i am going to … he looked up at 

for a few seconds … told me that he … got out of the 

i got up and…are you going to…what do you mean 

as he continued to … he let out a … smile on his face 

a bit of a…a work of fiction…what do you think 

Corpus: The complete gay erotic stories from; retrieved May, 2015; approx. 57 million tokens at 1 million types.

Process: The first 140 4-grams of the corpus were listed by frequency; obscenities were eliminated, and the result was concatenated with ellipses

Hannes Bajohr is a Berliner in Brooklyn who writes digital literature as part of the writers’ collective 0×0a. Timidities is <a href="

" target="new">available now, published by Readux

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