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Baker's Dozen

Licence To Sing: Afrodeutsche's Favourite Albums
Manu Ekanayake , June 27th, 2023 10:07

From a childhood spent dancing to Top Of The Pops, a complicated relationship with Michael Jackson and the tragic loss of her tape collection, Afrodeutsche takes Manu Ekanayake through the thirteen albums that changed her life


Michael Jackson – Off The Wall

You know, I can't deny what I was listening to. And my relationship with Michael Jackson's music was such that... I didn't have a lot of friends when I was in school, and the friends that I did have were connections through music. Either they had a piano in their house and I would play their piano and I was friends with them simply because they had a piano, or it was our records, our music, our cassettes, and we would dance.... Just being able to spend time with someone else, to be a fan of something with someone else was amazing. This was before the internet so sharing that new experience with other people was formed by each other and each other's experiences, just like it was for me early on with this album.