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Baker's Dozen

"Shy People Telling Small Stories, Quietly": Jeanie Finlay's Favourite Films
Adrian Lobb , April 24th, 2014 10:40

Jeanie Finlay, director of Sound It Out and The Great Hip Hop Hoax picks her favourite films, and talks about the final days of fundraising on her next documentary, Orion


Grey Gardens (1975, Albert and David Maysles)
This was a tough choice between Grey Gardens and Wisconsin Death Trip, because James Marsh is such a muscular filmmaker. James Marsh has fingerprints all over the way people think of documentary filmmaking, that it can be in cinemas, it can be big, ambitious, and a thriller. But I would say Grey Gardens has had a bigger impact on me. Little Edie is one of the finest characters ever on film, the way she engages and flirts with the camera – you can see her creating her own portrait as you are watching the film. They are decadent and camp in a delicious way, and she is so stylish – I like that film very much. The film has a lot of space and breath in it. I like that decadent squallor. I met Albert Maysles a few years ago and got to put his glasses on. And then then Steven went to Indonesia to make a film, I would joke that me and my daughter were becoming like the Little Edie and her mum.