The Quietus - A new rock music and pop culture website


GALLERY: Iceland Airwaves Festival
The Quietus , November 25th, 2013 10:06

Photographic highlights of Jon Hopkins, Omar Souleyman and more at this year's event. Photographs courtesy of Erik Luyten

At the tail-end of last month/beginning of this, Iceland's excellent Airwaves festival rolled out its fifteenth edition, taking in sets from Kraftwerk, Savages, Omar Souleyman, Jon Hopkins, Goat, Mykki Blanco and more. Photographer, friend of tQ and one of the organisers of Incubate festival Erik Luyten was in attendance, and we're now delighted to host a number of images he took at the event, alongside some wonderful pictures of the surrounding landscape.

Says Erik: "In the northernmost capital of Europe, the Iceland Airwaves showcase festival happens annually late October. About 200 artists, mainly Scandinavian, play at the official festival in the evening, but over 600 shows are being organised on every corner of Reykjavik during the daytime. It's the festival where you can expect surprises to be happening, like Damien Rice popping up playing a surprise gig in Damon Albarn's little bar called Kaffibarinn or Björk running through the halls of the festival's main venue Harpa. Here are some of the festival's highlights in photos."

Head to Erik's website for more and click on the image below to begin scrolling through.
