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WATCH: New Video From The Lone Taxidermist
The Quietus , April 14th, 2011 06:13

See 'Bijoux Boy' below...

We at The Quietus have long been fans of The Lone Taxidermist, so we're very pleased to present her newest video: the eerie short for 'Bijoux Boy', with its rather frightening strains of surrealism and fantasy.

Bijoux Boy from Lone Taxidermist on Vimeo.

The Lone Taxidermist - aka Natalie Sharp - told us this about the 'video': "Back in the early days a video was made by a surrealist film maker called Maya Deren. It showed a beautiful woman in palazzo pants chasing a grim reaper figure with a mirrored face into a house. The house was full of objects you might find in a reoccurring dream - an Escher staircase - and the film itself turned out to be a reoccurring nightmare. It's called Meshes Of The Afternoon and it stayed in my mind's eye forever after. Along with Jan Svenkmajer and Rene Margritte I begun to talk with my friend and co producer Chris Kelly about making a little film that addresses surrealism to go with the song 'Bijoux Boy'. I started writing the treatment and realised that the film was going to deal with my own past, becoming transfixed on another then crushing them slowly.

"I abhor the genre of the music video which is why I refer to it as a music film. The artform has become lost in sticky contrived cliches which usually involve a band in a forest singing to camera. I've never understood why as creatives, musicians don't take more ownership in their artistic output. The art doesn't end once the song is recorded. For me it bleeds into every facet of what I do. Which is why I made the costume, wrote the story, created a set and lighting design based on Clouzots L'enfer, painted my face and set about finding a beautiful Jewish prince to play the role of 'Bijoux Boy' (who for two days was permanently coveted in glitter, head to toe).

"Four months later and I made something that I feel proud of: something to show the grandchildren..."

The track is the first video from The Lone Taxidermist's forthcoming debut album. Watch this space for a feature soon...