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Film Reviews

Valkyrie: Riding Roughshod Over History?
Luke Turner , January 23rd, 2009 05:31

We've come to expect Hollywood to rewrite history, says Luke Turner. But in the case of Von Stauffenberg, the mono-armed, cycloptic plotter who tried to blow up Hitler, is there even space to do this?


The Scene Of Battle: The final days of the The Second World War in Europe

Behind enemy lines: Downfall brilliantly captures the claustrophobia and madness of the last days of Hitler's inner circle as the Red Army closes in on Berlin. Hitler, superbly played by Bruno Ganz, conjures divisions out of thin air and rants and raves as the last of the fanatical Nazis become crazed in last days of Rome decadence and discussing the best way to commit suicide. Downfall is arguably the first film to bring Hitler out from behind the caricature, and explore the grip he had over the minds of his most loyal supporters right until the bitter end.

Trivia: One of the scenes of Hitler's ranting has become a YouTube hit, with English subtitles on various subjects added to the German Dialogue. Best of all is Hitler's reaction to the leaking of the British National Party membership list: