For today’s Quietus Competition, we have a bountiful haul: three pairs of tickets to this year’s Beacons festival in Skipton, Yorkshire. With the main stage curated by our friends The Stool Pigeon, artists set for the event – which runs from August 11 – 14 – include Factory Floor, I Like Trains, Tom Vek, Jamie XX, Islet, Dels, Demdike Stare, Summer Camp and more. If you want to go for FREE, just answer the following question:
Quietus favourites I Like Trains recently launched their own brand of which beverage?
a) Tea
b) Coffee
c) Energy drink
Send your answers in to with ‘Beacons Competition’ as the subject, and leave your name and contact details. Winners will be notified on Monday August 8. To read The Quietus Competition Terms & Conditions, click here.