The other week Sunn O))) unleashed their fury on the unsuspecting residents and denizens of Brooklyn USA. It’s often seemed that the US has been rather slower on the uptake than the UK and Europe when it comes to the unrelenting majesty of the work of Messrs. Anderson and O’Malley – but the praise for what YouTube suggests was an incredible concert at the Brooklyn Masonic hall has been universal.
According to a handy page on the excellent Daily Swarm aggregator service, The New Yorker said the show left them "sweaty and bereft of the ability to echolocate" while The New York Times announced "The members played through the pieces in unison, without a drummer, so slowly and loudly that small discrepancies of timing produced dissonances that worked like sonar drills on your guts." Dudes, writing about guts and Sunn O))) is SO 2008.
Watch clips from the show, including Attila Csihar in some new outfit that seems to fire lasers, below: