LISTEN: Tetragrammacide’s Debut Album

Metal trio Tetragrammacide stream new album in full; discuss Indian metal scene

Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix is the debut full album release of Tetragrammacide coming good on the promise of their 2015 mini-album Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti​-​Structural Formulæ.

Ahead of its physical release this Friday (November 3), you can stream the album in full above, which sees the group, initially a duo, extend to a trio.

Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix sees the band deliver on the early promise of their mini-album while also looking to sidestep obvious associations with certain aspects of the black and death metal scenes.

To find out more about the Indian metal scene, as well as discuss the new album, we caught up with the group below in a rather candid Q&A session.

What is the black metal scene in India like? Is there contact between you and other extreme metal bands such as Stark Denial, Solar Deity or 1833AD?

Kolkata is the undisputed Black Metal epicenter of India. We don’t keep in touch with bands you have mentioned but we do have contact with other South Asian Black Metal bands such as Genocide Shrines, Serpents Athirst, Funeral in Heaven from Sri Lanka as well a few Indian bands such as Dying Embrace, Dhwesha, Bevar Sea and Aempyrean beside the dissident daemonic legions of ancient Kalikshetra.

Is black metal misunderstood by general society in India? Are you misunderstood by the Indian metal mainstream even?

To be more accurate, the very nature and essence of black metal is fundamentally misunderstood and thus has been incessantly mishandled and bastardised by the most bands playing this style in this country.

We don’t have any intentions or aim to be ‘understood’ or ‘accepted’ nor do we have any associations with ‘mainstream’ Indian bands, media and circles. It is also very logical that any rational, ethical and moral being and particularly the society would condemn an entity like Tetragrammacide. And they must.

We, as well, on the other hand, must instinctively walk on this crooked path as silent predators, unleashing the offsprings of our terrible intent and cold bloodedly poison everything and corrupt everyone our way, creating violent ripples of electromagnetic turbulences in human psychic fields by our deranged creations (Audio-Visual Synthesiser, Mind Machine) slowly contaminating and razing their moral, ethical and rational constructs. We are the antithesis of everything ‘acceptable’.

Anti-Structural Formulæ – how did you achieve the relative clarity of Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix without losing any of the intensity or brutality?

Tetragrammacide is not about stagnation. It is rather about intuitively unveiling the dreadful probabilistic faces of indeterminable chaos beneath the surface of the world of formation and structure, so our creations would never formulate under a fixed template so to speak. It is like an expedition to different other dark tunnels instead of being struck in just one, under the same tree of death! The prakiti / nature / essence is and will however be the same but the attributes are being and will be changed. The essence is a direct reflection of our intent which is a constant. And attributes are regulated by ever changing reactions of psychosomatic alchemy within our human vessels.

Also it is needed to be acknowledged that the advent of Mr. S[d]S[t] (Who has produced this album as well) imported some unexplored possibilities and unhinged maddening dynamism with his string artillery along with Mr. Uragnostic Eliminator whose spontaneous exploration into a more compelling rhythmic style (Compared to ‘Typhonian Wormholes’) definitely crafted the very foundation of ‘Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix’ as a layered and multidimensional audial syncretism without losing the essence of what we can anticipate from a Tetragrammacide record.

It’s often said that the stark and beautiful landscape of Scandinavia and the Northern states of America have influenced the sound of black metal – do you think this theory applies to Indian black metal?

It is a general and generic misconception since Black Metal has got nothing to do with any particular geographic climates, landscapes, races, languages but the unbound acausal potential within a human vessel/flesh conduit (A chaosophist) aiming at to distribute and sow the seeds of entropy exploiting the mediums of disharmonic vibrations, various audiovisual tools to help speed up the germination of the human moral, rational and ethical fibres (And activism of dormant atavistic psyche within) and ultimately handing them the ‘Promethean Fyre’ to rise beyond the Matrix (Maya) of good and evil (Duality).

So we can claim that this music is the true embodiment of the forbidden fruit from the poisonous tree of Daath! So, eat at your own risk and will! And that also suggests Black Metal musicians are the quintessential personification or manifestation of Serpent ‘נָחָש’ׁ of the Edenic lore, who tempted and convinced mankind to bite on this poisonous fruit (Gnosis) to experience a prohibited self-transformation (Into ‘Transhuman Mahatmas’).

What was your first exposure to black metal/extreme metal/war metal?

Slayer – Show No Mercy.

Why is metal so popular in India and what makes homegrown Indian metal different from the rest of the world?

We don’t care about ‘Indian Metal’ a bit nor do we have a slightest appreciation for the ‘Black Metal’ bands of this nation (except the Kolkata hordes). We have consciously distanced ourselves from the degraded ‘scene’ and its brain dead practitioners and loathsome interpretations of ‘Black Metal’ and repulsive caricatures of esoteric traditions, theology, metaphysics and spiritualism (by the virtue of no understanding) since the beginning and would continue to reject this parasitic cesspool forever.

For us, conquering the limiting ‘Malkuthian’ awareness, and ascending (or descending) beyond (or below) this causal labyrinth (Assiah) by fully activating the chakras and subtle nadis to harness the energies and influences from the transcosmic power zones and audially transmitting them (Thus becoming a living flesh conduit or magickal interface), is the primary objective of a Black Metal adept and Kolkata Black Metal Bands (Those operating under the reverential banner of ‘Kalikshetra Raktachakra’ and ‘Kolkata Inner Order’) surely have understood it well and recognised the very transpersonal nature of this form of music.

Can you tell us where you met and how you formed? What year was this?

Tetragrammacide and all its operations commenced from late 2013 and the ‘Oration’ rehearsal demo was ritually engineered. In July 2014, it was finally unleashed and instantly caught attention of many including Mr. P.K. (Iron Bonehead Productions) and Mr. A.D. (Behold Barbarity) who signed us immediately for the next release, and Typhonian Wormholes spawned its ugly head from the eye of the void in late 2015.

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