
Some Things Last Longer Than You

“Maybe this will all just work itself out” shouts an undefeated Nicola Leel – guitarist/vocalist of London punk band Doe – on album pinnacle ‘Last Ditch’. It’s a statement that perfectly sums up the angry optimism of Some Things Last Longer Than You. Across all ten songs here, Leel’s voice veers from calm and comparatively placid to outright indignant, but while bands of their ilk typically deal in restrained chaos, Some Things Last Longer Than You is unashamedly, brazenly, confrontational.

Doe have been regular proponents of the UK’s DIY scene since forming in early 2013, playing in various small venues across the country to crowds that are becoming increasingly enthusiastic over the band’s positive take on nihilism. Live, they have a formidable presence; the frantic urgency of which translates well on record, thanks to trusted producer Matthew Johnson (Hookworms, Suburban Studios). Indeed, Doe wear their influences on their sleeves, but not to the point of overt imitation.

More inspired than derivative, defiant opener ‘No. 1’ and ‘Anywhere’ recall the assured, melodic brilliance of The Breeders, while the occasional power pop and quite/loud juxtapositions of ‘Monopoly’ and ‘Last Ditch’ capture a quality that’s not dissimilar to some of the finer moments on Weezer’s Pinkerton. Elsewhere, the honest belligerence of Sleater Kinney comes to mind upon hearing ‘Turn Around’ and ‘Sincere’, the latter dealing in the objection of men using feminism as a way to appear progressive, without ever really putting it into practice.

Despite the seeming hostility that permeates the LP, the frustrations of anxiety, for example, are dealt with admirable frankness that’s never morose. Musically, it’s playful, and despite its lyrical derisiveness it’s always delivered with a wry charm that prevents Some Things Last Longer Than You from becoming overwhelmingly bleak. The band’s propensity for melody adds nuance to the chaos, a quality that’s enduring, in the same way, say, The Wedding Present’s debut LP George Best still stands the test of time. In short, Some Things Last Longer Than You often sounds like a lost classic.

This is an album significantly more than what it seems to be, at first, on the surface. To some, it will sound like just another melodic punk album with a predilection for pop – an angry retort at the grievances of being in your twenties – but it’s the kind of record that will stir and inspire you during moments of existential crisis. For every instance of dejection here there’s always hope, and in times of uncertainty, albums like this are vital.

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