Vini Reilly: Better News

Musician's nephew posts new statement

Over Christmas, we helped spread the word on Twitter about the financial difficulties faced by Vini Reilly during a recent period of serious illness. The Durutti Column man and Factory stalwart had suffered a series of strokes, and was struggling to cover basic needs. Now Reilly’s nephew has updated fans on the situation – and thankfully, it’s looking more positive. Full statement below:

"Firstly, a huge thank you once again to all of those who sent kind messages, ideas, and donations for Vini. I’ve just spoken to Vini and told him how much has been donated by fans and music lovers worldwide – he’s ecstatic. He’s said that enough has now been donated to ensure that he can pay off all of the backlog of rent that he owed, and he’s asked me to pass on his huge gratitude to you all and let you know that no further donations are needed. He’s explained that going forward he should be able to afford to pay his rent, but the debt relates to the period after he had his three strokes but before he was assessed for disability allowance.

"It has been a stressful time for Vini, with the constant worry of knowing that he couldn’t afford to pay his debts and that could mean being evicted from the place he rents. But he says he now feels like you’ve lifted the weight of the world off his shoulders. He has asked me to send his love to all of you… You’ve given him the best start to his new year that anyone could have asked for. And he’s determined to fight his way back to fitness and rebuild the power in his hands so he can play guitar again. It’s going to be a hard road ahead for him, but you’ve all made his life a lot brighter.

"Thank you all so much for helping my uncle. All the best to you all for 2013.

Matt Reilly"

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