Tuesday Pop Drugs News Round-up

George Michael should have been smacked, Blake loves his too much

If you thought that Britain’s weary and morbid fascination with famous folk and their habit of bathing their noggins in opiates and stimulants had waned since Pete Doherty retired from driving a Jag out on his scragend, you’d be wrong.

Today’s papers are full of righteous indignation about George Michael’s lavatorial misadventures, with a QC huffing in the Telegraph that he felt a caution was far too lenient a punishment. Keith Mathewman QC said he could not “understand how or why someone in his position, and with his previous record, could be let off with a caution. It gives the wrong impression to young people who are thinking about drugs or are actually addicted. I find the decision appalling."

Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse’s husband Blake Fielder-Civil is to stay in chokey even though he could get out – because he doesn’t want to go to rehab. Today’s Sun reports that Blake was offered an early release on condition that he attended a drugs treatment centre. The shrewd investor of sausage rejected the offer in favour of staying inside. Get licking those postage stamps, Blake! "This will be another blow for her. Blake could have gone to rehab and sorted himself out but would rather see out his sentence in prison," a "source" told the paper. “All he wants is a free reign when he leaves, which means living with Amy back in Camden. But if he is turning down these chances to leave jail and get clean, it doesn’t bode well for him and Amy when he finally does get out.”

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