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Baker's Dozen

Ceremonial Worship: Gonjasufi's Favourite Records
Elizabeth Aubrey , August 17th, 2016 08:23

Before the singer, DJ and producer releases his third album, Callus, this week, he talks to Elizabeth Aubrey about the 13 songs and albums that have had the biggest impact on his life, emotionally and spiritually


Son House – 'Grinning In Your Face'
This record reminds me of the times where you have to bite your tongue and shit. Like dealing with my voices, like if they are really there or not. It reminds me of dealing with racism here in America or being called certain fucking names and not being able to react because I know I'll end up locked up or dead. It's a song that says you're not going to pull the devil out of me. My initial reaction used to be to meet fire with fire in difficult situations but this is about turning the fire into an angel – finding a way to love.