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Fan Gets Backstage With Wikipedia Edit
Christian Eede , December 3rd, 2015 12:26

Music fan adds name to duo's 'family' section on Wikipedia to trick security guard

A cunning music fan recently gained backstage access to an Australian electronic music duo, Peking Duk (no, us neither), with little more than an edit of their Wikipedia entry.

As the Guardian reports, the fan, David Spargo, pulled up the page on his phone at a gig of the pair’s in Melbourne when a security member asked him to prove his connection to the duo. With his name listed as ‘family’, he found his way past the guard and meeting the pair. “It was probably the most genius, mastermind move that I’ve ever witnessed,” says Adam Hyde of the duo. “It’s crazy. He just did it on the post, in a second on his phone.

“He told the security guard he was our stepbrother or something, and showed them the Wikipedia page and his ID. We ended up having a bunch of beers with him and he was an absolute legend. He wasn’t a creep or anything. He was like the most normal dude we’ve ever met. That’s what makes it more hilarious.”