Mute released Can’s The Lost Tapes yesterday, a three CD compilation of recently unearthed and catalogued archive material from the legendary German band that frequently finds them on form to rival their finest work. Put simply, if you haven’t already, you should be heading out to your nearest record emporium as we speak in order to pick up a copy. For further convincing words, read Taylor Parkes’ excellent analysis of the box in full here, and watch the video for ‘Messer, Scissors, Fork & Light’ above, which Parkes says "cuts together contributions to the soundtrack of Das Messer, another Can-scored polizei drama, and shivers exquisitely (with bits of ‘Spoon’ stirred in) while Liebezeit tries to channel the percussive power of a West African village."
WATCH: New Can Video
Ominous and playful video for The Lost Tapes cut 'Messer, Scissors, Fork & Light'