Nick Cave has an announced the end of Grinderman at the Meredith Music Festival in Victoria. According to reports from down under, Cave told the 12,000 strong crowd "That’s it for Grinderman. It’s over," before apparently adding "See you all in another ten years when we’ll be even older and uglier." It’s surely be a sad thing that we’ll never again see Nick Cave screaming "TIPPYTOETIPPYTOE", or Warren Ellis spitting in the air so it lands on his own face, or witness Martin Casey herding bogan basslines, or get to speculate on whether Jim Sclavunos is working on Bad Seeds of Grinderman by the length of his beard. But this demise, if it is confirmed, is perhaps right: that this bawdy group had a brilliant, filthy two album stand, before disappearing priapic and brawling into the night seems entirely appropriate. Grinderman were one of the fiercest and finest live groups of recent times, and we’ll miss them. You can read John Doran’s interview with Grinderman here.
Grinderman Split
Announcement in Australia