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Momus Covers New Bowie Track!
John Doran , January 8th, 2013 14:44

A rolling Nicholas "Haywood Stenton" Currie gathers no moss. Momus, a maverick musician, blogger and writer, has marked Bowie returning to the spotlight by covering the song 'Where Are We Now?'

On first play this delightful* version seems to be paying (heartfelt) tribute to Aphex Twin's astounding remix of the Philip Glass version of '"Heroes"'.

The artwork for Bowie's 30th album The Next Day, designed by Jonathan Barnbrook, is itself a reworking of the sleeve of "Heroes".

Anyway, Momus has a lot of interesting things to say about Bowie and various other matters at his I Momus site. Well worth a visit...

*I have the flu which is why I'm speaking like a 1950s continuity announcer.