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MIA: Twattish Riot Tweets Shocker
Luke Turner , August 8th, 2011 16:54

Clearly gunning to out-bellend Morrissey

The Quietus has spent most of this evening slightly nervous at the gangs of pissed young kids rampaging around outside our house, destroying local businesses and cars in our neighbourhood, ripping up bits of pavement and throwing them at the police. It is, frankly, Not Very Nice. Yet multi-millionaire mango-peppering Colonel Gaddafi-admiring pop twit MIA seems to think the whole thing is a right hoot. The Prodigious Bellend has gone on Twitter to stick her oar in, writing: "@MIA im going down to the riots to hand out tea and mars bars #london" "have you been to enfield" and "people in tottenham mcdonalds are making their own food #LondonRiots". Does anyone know if Morrissey managed anything worse at his gig tonight?